Saturday, June 26, 2010


Grace is a crazy and wonderful thing. Blows my mind.
Whenever I'm feeling stressed out or discouraged, God always sends something or someone my way to reassure me that it'll be ok.
Never fails.

I feel like the luckiest person in the world - like I found the needles in this haystack life, and they're my friends and family.

God just keeps showing me new mercies day by day, and I keep stumbling around trying to get things right. But it gives me comfort to know that God's in control.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Piknic! :)

If you don't have photoshop, Piknic is the next best thing.
But if you just like making fun pictures, it's pretty awesome :)

and Polaroids =]

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Japanese Palace

I have a deep burning passion for asian food.
And german chocolate cake.
And orange sherbet.

Last night contained all of the above. <3 splendid.

I've been blessed my whole life, but you know what never fails to bring a smile to my face? Random acts of kindness by strangers. I've been seeing a lot of them lately.
Aren't people just so good? :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Maybe it's because I
a) was in show choir
b) have the same name as a certain female protagonist

but I like it.

Can't wait for season 2 :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So it’s all over. I’m a high school graduate now. It doesn’t feel real. I don’t even feel sad. I keep thinking that I’ll come back. I kept telling myself, “I’m never going to see these kids again!” (Except for my besties.) Like the funny guy in the back of the class, or the nice aquaintance sitting next to you. The people you wish you’d gotten to know, but never did.

And then there’s the old friends that you lost touch with. It’s sad to think about how a lot of people I once used to be really tight with are going out-of-state for college, so there’s not even a chance of reconnecting. But Facebook takes away a lot of the regrets. That’s one thing I keep in mind.

Well… I’m probably going to miss being a bearcat eventually, but right now, I’m too busy collecting UNT merchandise (I’m rocking the green socks).

But guess where I’m at right now? Yeah – weatherford college. So this is summer…. I have a test tomorrow. Ugh, not what you imagine. I can’t complain.
Hugs and kisses. <3 Rachel

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Graaaduation's a-Coming

No way.

Graduation is almost here.

I'm partying it up with the cool kids before I leave. This summer will be fun :)

This is Ali, me and Susie at the senior breakfast. We da best

I'm gonna be a college kid :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

This Summer. Fingers crossed

Summer's all about the fun right??
Well, last summer completely blew my mind, and I had a wild spring break, so I figure it's time to crack down and educate myself.

Tomorrow I start Geology. (WHAT?!)
It goes from 8AM to 1PM. So, that should be fun. Maybe. Actually I'm just angry at it because it means I miss my last full day of school.
Which means... no Gaga.

Sad day.

Currently I am madly searching for employment because obviously taking all these college courses just isn't enough. Dream job? TOYS R US. Ideal work environment you know?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Whatever good that does.