I guess I realized that these posts are all starting to sound the same.
Not that life won't always be the same.
But you know, when a movie's over, it ends, because it's a happy ending, and it would be boring and repetitive to keep going for another two hours in just bliss.
So, at least in the context of this blog, this is the happy ending.
Thanks for reading. I love you dearly. Seek Him first, always, and He will give you the desires of your heart.
i guess if you read through this blog, you'll know that He certainly did that for me.
Come to think of it, i don't have a single unanswered prayer or wish in my heart. There aren't any loose ends to tie up, or things I need that i don't have.
Not that there's nothing to look forward to - there's so much I don't know, so much I have to learn, and so many vices I have to weed out. And I'm always looking toward the Kingdom and its coming. Better things are ahead than we have seen. I almost can't believe that, after all the light and love I've seen, that there are better things.... but it's true. Even my farthest conjectures of JOY, my imaginings of happy tears, all that understanding is nothing compared to what the Lord has planned.
I don't mean to talk so much of being happy. Feelings are only feelings. But I feel like it's a boasting of the Lord's work in me, because I used to be so sad. i feel like every time I feel I'm so happy I could burst, (quite often actually) it's a victory over the evil one. My lasting joy is just one symbol of the Great Victory, and there's so much, how deep, how wide is His LOVE!!!!!!